Don't Forget!

We have Bible Study at the Devine's home every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:00pm. If you need directions, email Hope at
We have Sr. High Youth ministry on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in St. Ignatius Hall.
We have Jr. High Religious Ed. on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.
Teen Mass is the 2nd Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. Pizza and soda will follow the Teen Mass for all Jr. High & High School youth.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I wanted to let you all know about a great opportunity for our Jr. High and Sr. High Youth. I know some parents have been asking "why can't the Jr. High kids do the same great things the Sr. High are doing". Well, here's our chance to get our Jr. Highers involved in a really powerful night.
Once a month, our Midlands Deanery will be participating in Exalt. You're probably wondering what this is, so let me explain. It's a night where teens from our deanery will come together for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, hear a talk from a priest, deacon, or youth minister(changes every month), and praise our Lord through praise and worship music. Sounds awesome, right?
This will be the first Wednesday of every month at St. Peter's downtown from 6:45-7:45pm.
You can either carpool or drive your teen there. Some of the high school kids were talking about going to get dinner beforehand, so we may meet at Bellacino's in Irmo and go from there.
I will be emailing this out to the parents, but wanted you guys to have a heads up since we've been talking about more things for the Jr. Highers.
I'm super excited that this will be offered to the younger grades. We tried this a couple years ago with the high school and it was a really great evening!

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