Don't Forget!

We have Bible Study at the Devine's home every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:00pm. If you need directions, email Hope at
We have Sr. High Youth ministry on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in St. Ignatius Hall.
We have Jr. High Religious Ed. on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.
Teen Mass is the 2nd Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. Pizza and soda will follow the Teen Mass for all Jr. High & High School youth.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

End of the Year Cookout

We had such a great turnout for the end of the year cookout this past Sunday. Thanks to everyone who helped with it!
Here is a list of Local Merchants who donated prizes for our giveaways:

BiLo & the Richardson Family: ipod
Chapin Christian Gymnastics: 5 Open Gym passes
Chapin True Value Hardware: Inflatable Water Tube
SMS Sports World Chapin: Gamecock Laundry Bag and Water Bottle
The Rivalry Chapin: Gamecock and Clemson Wall Pix with Spirit Badge Light-up Jerseys.
Breeze Dry Cleaners of Chapin and Ballentine: 2-$10.00 Coupons
Gloria Studley/OLOL Parishioner: Avon Gift Basket Value $60.00
Chapin Pharmacy: Gift Certificate $25.00
Katherine Kawamoto /OLOL Parishioner: Arbonne Shea Butter Hand Care Duo valued at $45and giftcard for itunes
Vivian Benefield : Pampered Chef Trifle Bowl
Youth Advocacy Committee: misc items

And now, here are some pictures from the night.

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