Don't Forget!

We have Bible Study at the Devine's home every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:00pm. If you need directions, email Hope at
We have Sr. High Youth ministry on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in St. Ignatius Hall.
We have Jr. High Religious Ed. on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.
Teen Mass is the 2nd Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. Pizza and soda will follow the Teen Mass for all Jr. High & High School youth.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

DYC Odds and Ends...

We will meet at Bellacino's on Lake Murray Blvd. at 4:45 on Friday for dinner. Dinner is on your own. if you don't want to eat dinner there, please make sure to be at Bellacino's at 5:45. That is when we will leave for the conference.

Also, we have Our Lady of the Lake shirts that we will wear that night, so know that you will need to change your shirt when you get to Bellacino's.

On Sunday, we will wear the conference tshirts.

The Conference ends around noon on Sunday and we usually stop to eat lunch together as a group, so you will need some money for that. We will meet back at OLOL on Sunday afternoon.

What to Pack:
A couple changes of clothes
comfortable shoes
a jacket
something to sleep in
your personal toiletries (shampoo, toothbrush, etc)
there are pillows and bedding, but you are welcome to bring your own pillow or blanket

No cell phones will be allowed on during the conference, so if you plan to bring one, please keep it with your things in your room. We would hate to look out in the crowd and see people texting (You get really bad reception there anyway)

I will check my phone pften in case parents need to reach us. My number is 803-467-7627

We will be staying at White Oak Conference Center in Winnsboro. The contact info is: 633 Mobley Hwy, Winnsboro. 803-635-4685

Thanks, Hope