Don't Forget!

We have Bible Study at the Devine's home every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:00pm. If you need directions, email Hope at
We have Sr. High Youth ministry on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in St. Ignatius Hall.
We have Jr. High Religious Ed. on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.
Teen Mass is the 2nd Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. Pizza and soda will follow the Teen Mass for all Jr. High & High School youth.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Here is the link to the Final Video from the Diocesan Youth Conference. Check it out!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Upcoming Youth Events Sponsored by the Diocese!

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about some amazing events coming up for our Jr. High and Sr. High Youth! here is a list!
Jr. High Retreat
Jr. High CLI (Christian Leadership Institute)
High School CLI (Christian Leadership Institute)
SEARCH Retreat (for geades 10th-12th)
For more information on these events check out click on Diocesan Departments and then Youth Ministry.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Diocesan Youth Conference 2009!

Well, we just got back from DYC where the theme was All Access and I HAD to blog about it. After bringing kids to this conference for 6 years now, I have to say that this was one of my favorite years! The Holy Spirit was definitely present not only in the room, but in the hearts of each one of these amazing kids! It is truly an honor to get to be a part of this with them.
I won't bore you with the minute by minute run down, but I did want to share some really cool highlights with all who read this blog! So here they are!

Cool Highlights from DYC:

* Our very own, Jen Bozzo, is on the E Team (Evangelization Team) and helped to put on the Conference. We have many youth in the past who have been on E Team from our parish. We are so proud of them because this takes a lot of dedication and hard work. They freely give up their weekends to help plan these evnts and put them on. A true sign of their faith and love to Our Lord. What a witness they are to our teens. Past E Team members include: Tim Devine, Katie Devine, Reilly Blackwelder, Jon Matula, Erin Morrett, Bozzo and Jen Bozzo. I'm excited to see if we have any upcoming teens that feel called to be a part of this amazing ministry. Stay tuned...

* We had the pleasure of having 2 Dominican Sisters with us for the whole weekend. They particiapted in the skits, dancing, praying, Mass, and just to be there as a witness of how cool vocations can really be. FUN FACT! One of the sisters, Sr. Gloria Christine, was an E Team member a few years ago and is from our diocese. She descerned the convent while going to school down at College of Charleston and shortly after entered the convent. It was so amazing to see one of the youth from our diocese answer God's call and come back to share about it!

* We also had the pleasure of having 4 priests with us for the weekend. Fr. Pat Tuttle was a speaker who was hilarious and completely connected to the youth. Then there were 3 priests who were all ordained together--only TWO years ago! It was awesome to see young priests there who could talk relate out faith to a batmobile and jump on a trampoline while hullahooping (see pictures below). Such a blessing and a witness!

* Next, every year the Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry, Jerry White, presents an award to young adults who show a strength of character and desire to serve the Lord. This year, I'm so proud to tell you that they gave out two awards and they both went to former members of the Our Lady of the Lake Youth Ministry, Katie Devine and Reilly Blackwelder! We were so happy for them and so rpoud that they have turned into the amazing women of God they are! Congrats ladies!

* And finally, our kids! I have to brag on them a little. They were so open to this conference and really got more out of it then I think they thought they would. I could just feel that God was with us all and that the Holy Spirit was moving through us! It was GREAT! Such a great way to spend a weekend! Thanks to all of you who attended and made this experience that much more special! You all ROCK!

Remember, we have All Access to God. Are we giving God All Access to us? Live it!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No High School Youth Ministry this Sunday!

Hey you guys. Due to DYC (Diocesan Youth Conference), and Confirmation Rehearsal, we will not have high school youth ministry this Sunday (3/15). We will have just come off the conference and I, Hope, am a Confirmation sponsor, so need to be at the rehearsal that evening.
I encourage you all to attend the Youth mass at 5pm. Eucharistic Ministers for that Mass are Cody Hooker, Sarah Gilbertson, Nick Spatharos, and Amanda Gardner.

CLARIFICATION: Jr. High Relgious Ed. will hold classes as usual, Confirmation will have their rehearsal. This is ONLY pertaining to High School Youth Ministry.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

High School Bible Study during Lent

T and I wanted to let everyone know that we will be having an alternative to bible study during the Lenten Season. We thought it was the perfect time to switch it up a little.

Fr. Andrew is holding a series of lectures on the Sacraments on Wednesday evening beginning at 7pm at church. This is going through the Lenten Season. We're really excited about this since Fr. Andrew is extremely knowledgeable about all things Catholic. It should prove to be very informativead and answer questions you may have as to why we do certain things, etc. Youth AND parents are welcome! Please call Hope at 233-3359 or email to let me know if you'd like to attend so I can let Fr. Andrew know.

T and I look forward to seeing you all there!

Classes WILL be held tonight (March 1st)

There was question about whether we would hold classes tonight with the threat of snow this evening. I just got a call from Fr. Andrew and we will hold classes as usual tonight from 6-7:30pm. If you have any questions, please call the parish office at 345-3962.
Thanks, Hope