Don't Forget!

We have Bible Study at the Devine's home every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:00pm. If you need directions, email Hope at
We have Sr. High Youth ministry on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in St. Ignatius Hall.
We have Jr. High Religious Ed. on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.
Teen Mass is the 2nd Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. Pizza and soda will follow the Teen Mass for all Jr. High & High School youth.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sr. High Youth Ministry Is Helping Our Community!

I got a call from Mary {one of our parishioners} who works at Catholic Charities wanting to know if we'd like to help with a service project for one of their clients. This client has been working with Catholic Charities for 4 years to get her own apartment and they're needing some things to help her set up her new home. I was so excited to tell the high school youth about it, and they had just as much excitement after I got done telling them about it.
We've decided that they would donate some of their own money for the next few weeks and see how much we could come up with. We were asked to get some of the smaller household items for the home, such as, trash bags, dust spray and cloths, silverware tray, alarm clock, hangers, light bulbs, etc. The youth are really excited about this and I'm really excited to see how much money we can raise for this woman who is in need. I'm really proud of how this project has been recieved by the kids.
I'll be updating in a few weeks with how much money we've raised!
God is Good!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sr. High Youth Ministry

We had about 40 high school youth on Sunday night for Sr. High Youth Ministry. It becomes obvious how much our parish is growing as we try and stuff more teens in St. Ignatius Hall each year. What a wonderful blessing to have so many amazing youth. Sunday night was a good time of fun, fellowship, and getting to know each other. We're all looking forward to what the year has in store for us as a group!

Jr. High Youth Night

120 Jr. High Youth...34 pizzas...16 bottles of soda...6 volunteers to clean up the mess...12 fearless catechists sharing their faith...PRICELESS!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kick Off Teen Mass

Well, the year has officially begun. The Teen Mass was hosted this month by the Sr. High. They did an outstanding job! Anyone who has never been to a youth mass, really needs to see it for themselves at some point. Our Teen Mass is the second Sunday of every month at 5:00pm {except this month it was the first Sunday because of the kick off}. Fr. Andrew invites all the teens to come up around the altar for the Lord's Prayer. It's so amazing to see all those teens gathered together, worshiping Christ. If you think the church's future is bleak, this will make you think otherwise! The youth ARE the church of today with gifts & talents they can offer now. God is so good and it's 10 times as apparent when you see all those youth up there around the altar!

You can click on the pictures to make them bigger!

Confirmation Retreat

The day went well. The Confirmation students were great. Thanks to all the high school youth who helped out with this retreat {Jen, Sarah, Amanda, Courtney, Nick, Chris, Cody, Paul and Nehemiah}. You all went above and beyond as usual!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Upcoming Jr. High Event!

We have a very exciting event coming up for all youth in grades 6th-8th. The 12th Annual Diocesan Jr. High Youth Rally will take place on Saturday, November 1st from 10:30am-6:00pm at White Oak Conference Center just outside of Winnsboro. This year's theme is "All Access!"

Come experience great stories and high octane presentation by the lead speaker, Jesse Manibusan {}, Mass with Fr. Kirby from St. Mary's in Aiken, and the music crowd favorite of the band Wannabe Steven; along with games, small groups, zany skits, and powerful dramas from the Diocesan Youth Evangelization Team.

The Living Gospel of Jesus Christ says everyone is invited! That we all have total access to His eternal love! We are created special and have a distinct purpose for our lives! While the world suggests that we have to have this; or act this way; or have to be part of this group to have value or self worth. It is through Jesus Christ dying on the cross and overcoming death that gives us "All Access" to His love and grace. In Gospel of John 10:10 it says "...I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly!" Christ comes to give you access to a real and lasting abundant life!

Come join over 700 youth from around the Diocese as we answer the question of "How much of your life does Jesus Christ have access?" Come experience what it means to have full access to the Risen Lord! This is one day that will change your life!

Registration forms will be available September 14th or you can click this link and print out the form {}. The deadline for registration is Sunday, October 5th. The cost for the day is $35.00 per person {by October 5th} and $45.00 per person {after October 5th}.

If you have any questions, please contact Hope at

Congrats to our very own Katie Devine!

One of our youth from Our Lady of the Lake, 20 year old Katie Devine, has just taken the position of youth minister at St. Peter's Catholic Church in downtown Columbia. She's the daughter of Brian & T Devine. I'm so excited for her and I know she's going to do an amazing job. Congrats Katie!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Night of Religious Ed. & Youth Ministry

I'm really excited about the first night of classes and youth ministry. There is SOOOO much going on that whole day, but it will be great to see everyone again and get back in the swing of things.

First of all, we have the Confirmation Retreat beginning at noon. The 10th-12th graders will be facilitating the retreat for the 9th graders. Chris Johnson {the newest addition to our staff has come on to take over the position of Confirmation Coordinator}, myself, T Devine and some of the Confirmation teachers will be there to lead as well. It should be a really good day for everyone! Please pray for the Confirmation students and their year that's ahead of them. We will end the day with the 5:00 pm Teen Mass.

The Teen Mass will be hosted by the high schoolers this month. It's always so amazing to see all the teens up around the altar holding hands for the Our Father. We are so blessed at Our Lady of the Lake to have such wonderful teens with so many gifts and talents.

Then we move on to the PIZZA! Yes, we'll be having pizza and soda for the Jr. Highers downstairs in the Family Life Center. And pizza and soda for the 9th - 12th graders will be in St. Ignatius Hall. The 9th graders are invited to stay and participate in the youth ministry activity that night and their first official night of classes will begin Sept. 14th.

All the days events will end at 7:30pm. Whew. I'm tired already! :)

Have a safe and happy week and I'll see you on Sunday.
